11 Nov 2011

Touristic week-end #2

Last week-end, I spent the day with one of my friends from home who was on holidays in Britain. We used that opportunity to go to the British Museum where we both had never been! Here are some pictures I took there.


Le week-end dernier, j'ai passé la journée avec un de mes amis français qui était en Angleterre pour les vacances. On a profité de l'occasion pour aller au British Museum où ni l'un ni l'autre n'étions jamais allé ! J'y ai pris quelques photos...

La Pierre de Rosette - Rosetta Stone

London 2012 medals

This is obviously not the British Museum, but M&M's World in Leicester Square.
Ceci n'est évidemment pas le British Museum mais M&M's World à Leicester Square.


  1. I absolutely love the photos you took...
    The British Museum killed my feet when I went there, God it's huge.
    I hope you don't feel lonely.
    *thinking of you*
    Lots of Love,

  2. we've been to the British Museum in Year 10 thanks to Mrs Friquet. Shame on you to forget such a grab moment of our lives

  3. Dear anonymous, désolée mais en fait non on y est pas allés :)))
